Leprosy still present in the US


eMediNexus    24 February 2019

Leprosy is a disease most people think ended in the Middle Ages, but a new study in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings shows that its not a thing of the past. Mayo Clinic researchers wanted to understand how common it was in their clinic after a patient was diagnosed with the disease in March 2017. In the clinics electronic health records, they found nine patients diagnosed with leprosy over a 23-year period. The study authors emphasized that, though its rare, the disease should still be considered when diagnosing patients.

"This is not a disease that the average person in the United States has to worry about, but if they develop a rash and have extensive travel to a place where it is common, then they should bring it to the attention of their provider," said study author and dermatologist Dr. Spencer A. Bezalel… (CNN)

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